Established by the Kansas Women’s Board of Missions, the Kansas Bible Chair (KBC) provides grants for educational programs and lectureships which will benefit both laity and clergy of Disciple congregations […]
Stewardship & Finance
Prepare for Retirement with Pension Fund Training
Planning for retirement can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Pension Fund is here to help. The Pension Fund of the Christian Church is offering a new Retirement […]
HELM Scholarships Now Open
Will you be attending college as a first year student next Fall?Are you a member of a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) congregation?Are you looking to create positive changes in […]
Children’s Worship and Prayer Grant Opportunity
Partners for Sacred Places is sharing the following grant opportunity from Lilly Endowment Inc. with congregations and denominational offices in our network. Through the Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative, […]
DHM Scholarships
Disciples Home Missions (DHM) is awarding scholarships of up to $2,000 to qualified seminary students. The application period ends on March 15 and reference and transcript deadline is April 15. Information Scholarships […]
Week of Compassion: Gifts to Live on
In the early 1940’s, as World War II created humanitarian crises around the globe, the International Convention (now the General Assembly) of the Christian Church made recommendations for multiple aid […]