For Pastors
Clergy Ethics, Boundaries, and Misconduct
All ministers, ordained or commissioned, in the Kansas region are required to adhere to the clergy ethics set forth in the documents below. For ministers to have standing with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Kansas, whether ordained or licensed, they are required to have completed a “Boundaries Training” seminar at least once every three (3) years. See the events page for options.
Theological Foundations Policy Criteria
CCK Supplemental TFPCOM
Ethical Affirmations
Regional Clergy Misconduct Policy
Standing and Credentialing
Clergy wanting to be officially recognized by the Christian Church in Kansas (Disciples of Christ) and supported as commissioned or ordained ministers start that process by visiting with a member of the Regional Minister Team. Forms and information about applying for standing are currently managed through the Office of Credentialing and Accountability in Great Bend.
Ordained/Commissioned Ministers desiring to maintain their standing in the Christian Church in Kansas (Disciples of Christ) should complete the Online Standing Request Form each year, or upon transfer into the Christian Church in Kansas (Disciples of Christ).
Note that the STARRED items are REQUIRED. Give estimated date if not certain about exact date. If you have any questions or require assistance completing this form you may contact Juli Reed, Administrative Assistant, at 620-792-6490 or
*If you know of any colleagues who may not have access to a computer or smart device to submit their form, we would appreciate you assisting them with this process.
Open Churches & the Search Process
The Kansas Region adheres to the Search & Call process established by the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. Anyone wishing to be considered as a candidate for a position in one of our congregations seeking ministerial leadership must first complete the ministerial profile provided by the Office of Search & Call at Disciples Home Missions and complete the background check available through that same department of Disciples Home Missions.
For Congregations
CCK Annual Fund Promotional Materials
Social Media Image
Handbooks and Guidelines
Treasurers Handbook
Ethics for Congregations
Pastoral Relations Guidelines
Steeple Jacking
Worship, Spirituality & Faith Formation
Spiritual Formation and Wellness Resources
The Liturgical Season
Effective Church Communication
Branding and Style
Copyright and Fair Use
Church Newsletters
Social Media
Local Contacts
District Offices
Regional Board
For Church Treasurers and Stewardship Chairs
Treasurers Handbook – English
Treasurers Handbook – Spanish
Financial Ethics and Best Practices
Kansas Mission Giving Remittance Form
How to Share Your Church Financial Report
Sample Budget Spreadsheet
Let’s Talk About Tithing
Online Giving
The Engage portal is a mobile-friendly tool for individuals to give securely online and connect with other Kansas Disciples. Learn more about Engage her.
Disciples Mission Fund is the common fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Disciples Mission Fund supports 72 ministries of wholeness as close as your local congregation and reaching around the globe.
Center for Faith and Giving provides educational materials and serves as a conduit to other related resources that teach stewardship as a spiritual discipline.
We understand that stewardship is about more than money. It is about the faithful management of all of the resources and gifts that come into our lives, including, but not limited to the care for the earth; the observance of Sabbath; care for ourselves; care for the Gospel; and the care for our material goods and possessions.
There are a variety of grants that are available each year for our congregations.
To learn more details about these programs, and to apply online, see our grants page.
Other Documents
CCK Open Positions
CCK Constitution – Last Amended Aug 2022
CCK By-Laws – Last Amended 2022
CCK Social Media Policy – Last Amended 2022
National Organizations
General Church Ministries Christian Church (DOC)
Leadership Training Opportunities
See our events page to search for upcoming workshops and events.