Once again, our region has a marvelous opportunity: 60 training slots in the leadership training programs offered by Kansas Leadership Center (KLC). These are for people who want to make progress on something important – that is, to grow their leadership skills, to aid their congregations and CCK in addressing the adaptive challenges we face.
This training is intended to help you lead your congregation more effectively, more powerfully, to change lives and turn systems in healthy directions. More information on the KLC program is available here.
The team from within our region who will help to recruit individuals to the training programs are:
Rev. David Dubovich
Rev. Laurie Lewis
Rev. Donna Gilchrist
Rev. Travis Smith-McKee
Cheryl Roy
If you want to make progress on something you care about, grow your leadership skills, aid your congregation and the Christian Church in Kansas in addressing the adaptive challenges we face then this training is for you. Your church will benefit most by sending teams of 3-4, one of whom is probably your pastor. You will also benefit by identifying a challenge on which you want to make progress.
As you begin the process of defining what your adaptive challenge is for your congregation, the team developed a collective adaptive challenge for the region of Kansas. The collective adaptive challenge we have defined is: “For the people who are the Christian Church in Kansas to recognize the adaptive challenges they face in their particular settings and develop leadership equipped to address those challenges.”
Plan to focus 90 days on the process: prework, the training and its application, beginning 21 days before your event. In addition to congregational teams, CCK plans to send interested staff, moderators, and other regional leaders. Trainings fill fast and registration early in the year is encouraged. The KLC Partnership Grant covers tuition and a Kansas Bible Chair Grant covers books, housing, and meals. Apply online here and pay a $25 commitment fee.
After your application has processed, you will need to reach out to David Dubovich @ ddubovich@kansasdisciples.org to receive a special code to register on Kansas Leadership Center’s website for the training you will attend. Any questions about the process, reach out to any member of the KLC regional team.