Campers who have completed Grades 4-5 are invited to spend five days, four nights, at The Disciples Center at Tawakoni for our Junior Camp summer program.
This summer’s theme, “Linked by Love,” will explore how we experience God’s love in the relationships that weave in and out of our lives. Such love links our lives, teaching us about commitment, intimacy, grace, and faith. As we seek to create and strengthen life giving relationships, we remember that such love flows from God, links us all together, and we give thanks.
We would love to see all of you at camp this summer! A week of camp is empowering for our youth to see how the Kingdom of God can be lived out.
Early Bird price is $385 when registering before April 30 ($435 after April 30). Regional camp Scholarships are available for up to 25% of early bird registration. Regional Camp Scholarship Applications are due May 15.
All registrations must be paid in full before April 30 to receive regional scholarships and Early Bird Price Discount.
No problem! Your church office has a coupon code for you to use when you register. Our office will then bill your home church for the balance.