The Kansas region has 75 congregations serving more than 10,000 active members. Each one has a unique style of worship and mission within their community. Enter an address or zip code to find a church near you.
Manhattan First Christian Church
The First Christian Church Manhattan is a healthy and growing congregation, committed to Jesus Christ and His Church. We care deeply about nurturing each other spiritually, as well as reaching out, in witness and service, to persons beyond. We seek to be the Body of Christ inside and outside the walls of our church building, extending hospitality to all who enter our church and to those we touch through our many ministries. We seek to be a community of believers in which "head and heart" are partners in faith.
Sunday Morning Fellowship -- 8:30 am
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Sunday Worship -- 10:30 am
Everest Christian Church
Worship -- 10:00 am
Sunday School -- 11:15 am
McPherson First Christian Church
The First Christian Church is called to bring people into a relationship with God by Believing in Jesus, Belonging to a faith community, and Becoming Disciples commissioned for ministry and service.
Sunday School -- 9:15 am
Worship -- 10:30 am
Newton First Christian Church
We welcome you to gather with us in worship and to experience the joy of having fellowship with other people who believe in practicing the Gospel of Christ. Our vision is a world where all people are children of God, brothers and sisters in Christ and are guided by the Holy Spirit.Guided by the Holy Spirit, we draw people to the body of Christ, equipping and empowering them for service.
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:30 am
Chanute First Christian Church
The people at the Chanute First Christian Church are like people everywhere. They are a hardworking group. They know there is more to life than what you can buy or how much you achieve in the world. Over time, in a process called discipleship, they grow. At FCC, the worship is a mix of traditional and contemporary. We pray also that it speaks to God, speaks of God, and speaks God to us all.
Sunday Worship -- 9:30 am
Ottawa First Christian Church
The vision and mission of Ottawa FCC is: Love God, Love Each Other and Love our Neighbors/World. You are invited to come and get involved in the life of the church and create loving relationships within FCC.
Sunday School -- 9:00 am
Fellowship Time -- 10:00 am
Worship -- 10:30 am
Cheney Trinity United Christian Church
The mission of TUCC is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ; provide opportunities for worship, prayer and praise; to reach out to others through prayer, financial support, action and service and to witness a nurturing partnership between DOC and UCC within the local church and through support of and involvement in both denominations in all levels and areas of concern.
Worship -- 9:45 am
Sawyer Christian Church
Sunday School -- 9:45 am
Worship -- 10:45 am
Wichita Pine Valley Christian Church
Pine Valley Christian Church cares for all God's children and follow Jesus' example by welcoming everyone, regardless of race, national origin, social or financial status, gender, age, sexual orientation or anything else.
Sunday School -- 9:00 am
Worship -- 10:15 am
Hutchinson Park Place Christian Church
Park Place Christian Church's mission is to reach out, serve, love, and grow spiritually by sharing Christ's compassion for all people.
Traditional Service -- 9:00 am
Sunday School -- 10:10 am
Contemporary Service -- 11:10 am
Wichita Oakview Christian Church
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:45 am
WIchita New Hope Christian Church
New Hope Christian Church has many community outreach programs available and would love to have you be a part of it all.
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:30 am
Wichita North Heights Christian Church
North Heights Christian Church are Christians committed to serving the community by sharing and teaching the love of Christ to all people.
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:45 am
Lewis Christian Church
Sunday School -- 9:00 am
Morning Worship -- 10:00 am
Garden City Iglesia Discipulos de Cristo
Wichita Hillside Christian Church
Hillside Christian Church in Wichita is about connecting people to Jesus, and to each other. We seek to teach the Word of God, tell the story of God's son Jesus, and in the communion of the Holy Spirit join together in discipleship and in obedience to God.
Traditional Service with Praise team -- 8:15 am
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Traditional Service with choir -- 10:45 am
Gorham Community Church
Gorham Community Church is a small, friendly church a few miles west of Russell. Affiliated with the United Church of Christ as well as the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we welcome anyone from any walk of life to worship with us.
Dighton First Christian Church
The people of Dighton FCC are here to serve and love the Lord our God, and to share in grace and faith. Our Mission Statement: "Inspired by Christ, we seek, learn, and live by growing our love of God, the world, and the community."
Adult Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Sunday School -- 9:45 am
Worship -- 10:45 am
Lebanon First Christian Church
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:30 am
Potwin First Christian Church
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:30 am
Atchison First Christian Church
Atchison FCC is dedicated to leading & loving people into a deeper relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
Contemporary Service -- 9:00 am
Sunday School -- 10:10 am
Traditional Worship Service -- 11:00 am
Clearwater First Christian Church
Clearwater FCC has a dynamic ministry reaching out to the community and the world through our outreach programs. We nurture our families, and provide an environment where children can find the wonder and love of God at an early age.
Saturday Service -- 5:00 pm
Sunday Service -- 9:45 am
Sunday School -- 11:00 am
Douglass First Christian Church
As members of the Christian Church we confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and proclaim him Lord and Savior of the world. In Christ's name and by his grace we accept our mission of witness and service to all people. Our purpose is to help one another with our spiritual growth, development, and direction; to listen to one another as we journey in the faith; to help on another build relationships and to develop leadership in order to work together effectively.
Sunday Bible Study & Children's Praise & Worship -- 10:00 am
Sunday Praise & Worship -- 10:40 am
Coffee & Fellowship -- 10:50 am
Worship -- 11:00 am
Goodland First Christian Church
First Christian Church is a welcoming and fun place to get plugged in and meet others. We encourage you to come and visit us on your walk with God. We are a church where you can be yourself with others who want to grow on their journey with Christ. Established in 1888, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has been a vital part of the city of Goodland for over 130 years.
Sunday School -- 9:00 am
Friendship Class -- 9:15 am
Fellowship time -- 10:00 am (refreshments served)
Worship Service -- 10:30 am
Marysville First Christian Church
Marysville FCC hopes and prays for the future that we might continue in ministry to this community, sharing the love of Christ.
Adult Sunday School -- 9:15 am
Children's Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship Service -- 10:30 am
Independence First Christian Church
The people at the Independence First Christian Church are like people everywhere. They have a past, a present and a future. They wrestle with the issues of marriage, family, finances and employment. They want the best for their children. They win victories. They make mistakes. But they are a people in process. They know there is more to life than what you can buy or how much you achieve in the world. Over time, in a process called "discipleship," they grow.
Sunday Worship -- 9:20 am
Girard First Christian Church
Girard FCC welcomes and makes all people feel a part of the family of Christ.
Singing in Fellowship Hall -- 9:30 am
Sunday School for Adults & Children -- 9:45 am
Cookie Fellowship -- 10:30 am
Worship -- 10:45 am
Coffeyville First Christian Church
Office located at 306 Exner St.
Church services located at 613 S Elm St.
Neodesha First Christian Church
Neodesha FCC is an outreach church whose mission is to spread the word of Jesus Christ.
Sunday School -- 9:15 am
Worship -- 10:10 am
Haysville First Christian Church
The mission at FCC Haysville is to invigorate and challenge people to be the best Disciples they can be and preach and teach the good news of Jesus Christ to all people, ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of person in our congregation, our community and the world.
The pastor's door is always open for prayer, for personal concerns, for theological discussion, for home or hospital calls, or just for fellowship and camaraderie.
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:40 am
Pittsburg First Christian Church
Pittsburg FCC is a community of ordinary people who feel called by God to share God's hospitality in their neighborhood and beyond. They respond to that call by worshiping and sharing our God of second chances through encountering God in worship, building a community of forgiveness and radical hospitality, and reaching out with a mission of second chances.
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Casual Worship Service -- 9:30 am
Fellowship and Refreshments -- 10:20 am
Traditional Worship Service -- 10:45 am
Erie First Christian Church
Erie FCC is a church of second chances and has a mission through God's Holy Word to guide people to faith in Jesus Christ. Through active mission and ministry together, they help people grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ, and to work for the spiritual unity of all Christians.
Sunday Worship -- 9:30 am
Sunday School -- 11:00 am
Scott City First Christian Church
Scott City FCC is a church on the move. Their worship is exciting and dynamic, and they share in a strong and vital ministry to a wide variety of spiritual needs and interests. In addition, they are strongly rooted in the tradition of the "priesthood of all believers," and are therefore committed to the idea that all members are ministers in the community and in the life of the church.
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:40 am
Great Bend First Christian Church
At Great Bend First Christian Church, you'll be welcomed into a friendly, casual environment by people who are excited to see you. We welcome people who like to dress casually as well as those who prefer more formal attire. Our Mission is to inspire ordinary people to live extraordinary lives for Christ by fostering faith, cultivating kids, connecting community, and serving the world. All you have to do from here is come as you are and find out more for yourself!
The Essentials Service -- 8:15 am
Early Refuge Modern Service -- 9:00 am
Sunday School -- 9:00 am
Traditional Service -- 10:00 am
Late Refuge Modern Service -- 11:00 am
Madison First Christian Church
Garden City First Christian Church
Garden City FCC is a Christ-centered church committed to bringing the Good News of our Lord and Savior to the world through our commitment to following the early church's example of a five-fingered faith: time spent in studying scripture, time spent in worship together, time alone in prayer, time spent with other believers building the faith, and time spent in service to others. Our mission is to grow disciples, serve the community, and experience God through the love of Jesus Christ.
Prayer Time -- 8:45 am
Sunday School -- 9:00 am
Worship -- 10:00 am
Salina First Christian Church
Salina FCC believes that God sent Jesus Christ as a gift of love to heal this fragmented and hurting world. Join us as followers of Jesus Christ who are on an amazing journey to become people who love God and love others.
Sunday School -- 9:00 am
Worship -- 9:30-- am
Baxter Springs First Christian Church
We seek to reach out to our world with the message of light which the gospel of Lord Jesus brings. As the parables of Luke 15 teaches us, the lost matter very much to God. We are not here just for our own purposes, but to encourage a world that God loves so much that he gave his only son.
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:30 am
Lyons First Christian Church
We are a Disciples of Christ church and welcome any and all who have, want to have, or wonder about having a relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:30 am
Hiawatha First Christian Church
We believe we are called by the Holy Spirit through the teaching of Jesus Christ to do the work of God on earth. To accomplish this we shall commit our resources to serve and nurture all people. We accept our responsibility to proclaim God's Grace and Truth in Jesus the Christ. We desire to proclaim the gospel of Jesus the Christ through all areas of our church life and work, witnessing at all times in word and action, thereby seeking in all persons a response in faith and commitment to God.
Emporia First Christian Church
The mission of the First Christian Church of Emporia is to inspire each other to reach out to the un-churched and to serve and share with our community by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The central part of worship is the celebration of the Lord’s Supper or Communion – to which all are invited. First Christian Church is ever mindful of the needs of those beyond our walls through the community food pantry, Clothes Closet – which provides good, clean clothes at very low prices, church rummage sale, nursing home ministries and worship services, and Boy Scout program.
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:40 am
Topeka First Christian Church
Topeka FCC has a mission to welcome all, nurture faith in God, and care for others. They celebrate belonging to the body of Christ through an open table to which they invite all people, so that we may be strengthened to practice mercy, do justice, and love their neighbor.
Adult Sunday School -- 9:00 am
Convergent Worship Service -- 10:00 am
Simple Worship Service -- 11:00 am
Youth Groups -- 4:30 pm
Augusta First Christian Church
If you're searching for a church in Augusta and you'd like to see what it is like to worship where there are caring relationships, a chance to serve others, and a belief in the spiritual growth of the family and the individual, we welcome you to come and worship with us.
Worship -- 8:30 am
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Blended Worship -- 10:45 am
Herington First Christian Church
Leavenworth First Christian Church
First Christian Church has been an active church since 1855, although not in the same spot. The church welcomes all people to come and join them because they believe that they are Christians only, but not the only Christians.
Traditional Worship -- 8:30 am
Sunday School -- 9:45 am
Contemporary Worship -- 11:00 am
Horton First Christian Church
Praise Songs --10:00 am
Worship Service -- 10:30 am
Wellington First Christian Church
Wellington FCC has a mission to glorify God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit by showing love to one another, exemplifying Christian values to the local and extended community, thereby making disciples for Christ.
Sunday School -- 9:00 am
Meet & Greet Fellowship Hall -- 10:00 am
Worship Service -- 10:30 am
Pratt First Christian Church
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:40 am
Galva Christian Church
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:45 am
Eureka Christian & Congregational Church
The mission of our congregation is to provide opportunities to worship God, to grow in faith, to witness, and to serve others in the name of Jesus Christ, so the people of the local community and the world may experience God’s love. This church acknowledges Jesus Christ as its head and finds in the Holy Scriptures – interpreted by the Holy Spirit through reason, faith, and conscience – its guidance in matters of faith and discipline. The church has a covenant relationship with both the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the Congregational Church (United Church of Christ).
Sunday Worship -- 9:00 am
Sunday Adult Bible Study -- 10:15 am
Oxford Christian Church
Oxford Christian Church makes their doors and arms open to the people in the Oxford area as a fellowship where people from all places on the Christian journey come to train as disciples of Jesus Christ for the purpose of living out His Great Commission.
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:30 am
Caldwell Central Christian Church
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:45 am
Arkansas City Central Christian Church
Worship, praise and weekly communion bring our church family together as we join fellow believers, grow spiritually and enrich your faith each and every week.
Sunday School -- 9:00 am
Worship -- 10:00 am
Wichita Riverside Christian Church
Be part of a dynamic, open and affirming Christian community! We pray you will find God's Spirit alive in this place. Together we know God's love and grace, and seek to put faith in action.
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:30 am
Rock Christian Church
Sunday School -- 10:00 am
Worship -- 11:00 am
United Church of Kensington
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:30 am
Topeka West Side Christian Church
West Side Christian Church celebrates Christ’s presence in the world. We joyfully gather for worship, seek opportunities to learn and serve, and share life in Christ with the community and the world. Our worship style is largely traditional yet informal. Wear what you want. You'll find us dressed in everything from a suit and tie to sandals and t-shirts.
Sunday School -- 9:15 am
Worship Celebration -- 10:30 am
Wichita Woodridge Christian Church
Need a new church home? Visit our website to see how we meet our vision to, "Reach out, lift up, and teach love."
Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Worship -- 10:45 am
Liberal First Christian Church
At FCC Liberal, our commitment focuses on the acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We strive for unity with all people, excluding no one. Communion is celebrated weekly, and all believers are welcome to His table. Please join us on our journey to unite all people through Christ. All are welcome at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We have open communion and welcome all believers in Christ. Come join the fellowship, faith and family.
Adult Sunday School -- 9:30 am
Blended Worship Service -- 10:00 am
Lawrence, The Fringe
Worship time: Thursdays at 6:30 PM