In 2021, your regional communications office implemented the CCK Text Alerts system as a way we connect with you about regional news and events. These alerts, no more than one […]
Church Communications & Technology
Enroll in the 2022 Art of Church Communications Seminar
Start your new year off right and become a better steward of your church resourses Are you a church pastor struggling to keep up with the changes in technology and […]
Attend the 2022 Art of Church Communication Workshop Seminar
Four topics, seven weeks, invaluable resources Develop effective church communication strategies and goals and become a better steward of your church’s communication resources this Spring at the 2022 Art of […]
12-Things Churches Changed and are Keeping Post-COVID
Blogger Thom Rainer in his August 2, post, Church Answers, provides some interesting thoughts on his survey about the post-COVID church. They were seeking insight on the question, “What is […]
DCEF Technology Grants & Loans
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Disciples congregations have been forced to shut down in-person worship for nearly a year or longer. Disciples Church Extension Fund (DCEF) is […]
The Post-Pandemic Church: Redefining the Church’s Mission and Vision
The COVID pandemic finally appears to be receding and churches everywhere are taking a deep breath. Church leaders, ministers, and staff have spent the better part of two years changing […]