I am sure that each of you are aware by now that I have accepted the role as Acting Associate Regional Minister for the Region. Many of you would have […]
Currents in the Stream
September Currents In The Stream
Dear Friends, Even though the calendar may say we are nearing the end of August and closely moving to the month of September, it still feels like summer with the […]
August Currents In The Stream
I was reading a book the other day titled, The Daily Grind God With Your Coffee written by Rev. Susan Ward Diamond. For some of you who have attended the […]
July Currents In The Stream
Dear Friends, I am thrilled to be writing this article to each of you, clergy and laity within the Central/High Plains District. As each of you may know, Ken Marston […]
June Currents In The Stream
“Church. What came to mind when you read the word ‘church’? An image of a building? An experience you have had? What came to mind? If someone asked you to […]
May Currents In The Stream
In the life of every river, there are points in its journey from its source to its destination, and there are events from time to time that can affect how […]