SUMMER is fast approaching, and with backyard barbeques, pick-up ultimate frisbee games in the park, and out-of-town adventures, it is a season of increased activity. When we are thinking about […]
Currents in the Stream
March Currents In The Stream
“Once we get through ______, life will calm down, and I can get things under control again.” Sound familiar? I feel like we live our lives repeating a variation of […]
February Currents In The Stream
Hello Kansas Disciples!! It seems like we just celebrated Christmas and New Year’s and here we are with the first month of 2024 behind us as well. As I have […]
January Currents In The Stream
By Rev. Dr. David Dubovich For many people, the turning of the calendar to a new year is cause for reflection on both what the past year has been and […]
December Currents In The Stream
As we each gathered last week to celebrate Thanksgiving , I am sure that each of you were filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and joy for your blessings. […]
November Currents In The Stream
I want to thank each of you who sent cards, emails and text messages during the difficult time for our family. Who knew that on September 18ᵗʰ when I called […]