Seeking an idea for a new ministry for your church? Look first to your people and the skills and gifts they bring. That’s what happened at First Christian Church in Garden City, where a young member of Disciples Men saw no doctors, lawyers or bankers, but an abundant number of gifted mechanics. Manifold Witness was born, with more than a dozen men–and a couple of women–taking part.
Manifold Witness offers diagnostic work, maintenance, and basic repairs to those who are in need, typically brake pads, belts & hoses, filters, and similar. Typically the owner will pay for parts and supplies but when the owner cannot pay, the church has funds to help. As they organized, the group consulted with a Kansas City church that offers a similar program.
They needed a place, and God led them to a Dan Bailes at Value Motors, who provides use of the facility at no charge, so that Manifold Witness can do their ministry out of the weather. The volunteer mechanics provide their own tools, insurance, skills, and desire to serve. The volunteers plan to expand this service to include teaching people how to maintain their vehicles–especially the church’s newest drivers, their young people.
Want to know more? Contact the church at 620-275-5411