Andra Moran is returning to Kansas to lead a Worship Planning and Music Workshop at First Christian Church in Erie, August 8-9.
Sign in Saturday morning beginning at 9:30, when morning refreshments will be available. The event will begin at 10 a.m. and conclude by 5 p.m. that day. The church will provide lunch, for which a freewill offering will be received. Participants are also invited to attend Sunday morning worship, 9:30, at Erie First Christian Church where Andra will lead.
RSVP by noon on Monday, August 3, to reserve your space. Space is limited by the capacity of the church. Leave a message with the number attending from your church at 620-244-5353 or email information to Erie First Christian Church. Your timely RSVP helps the church plan well for food and space needs.
There is no registration fee. Leadership costs of this event are subsidized by a generous grant from the Kansas Bible Chair. The only thing asked of you is a timely RSVP, so that the church may be good stewards of food resources. Your cost is an offering for the food, your transportation, and your optional housing.
Nearby housing options include:
Erie: Land of Ah’s Motor Inn, US Hwy 59; phone 620-244-3258
Parsons: Sleep Inn & Suites, 1807 Harding Drive; phone 620-421-6126 or 800-424-6423
Chanute: Super 8, 3502 S. Santa Fe; 620-431-7788
Chanute: Guest House Motor Inn, 1814 S. Santa Fe; 620-431-0600
Andra Moran lives in Nashville, Tennessee where she is a songwriter, singer, author, worship designer and freelance touring musician. The daughter of two insightful, progressive Disciples ministers, Andra spent her formative years in sanctuaries and fellowship halls, singing in the children’s choir, napping on pews, and later leading music in her youth groups. Her father was an Army Chaplain, which took the Moran family all over the world. She grew up making friends from all sorts of backgrounds, seeing people at their best and their worst, and discovering a broad definition of home.
Andra studied music at Belmont University in Nashville, apprenticing in a variety of settings, swapping songs and stories. Her honest passionate writing won her the respect of her colleagues, musical friendships, and regular work on stage and in the studio. Andra is active in ecumenical settings and in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ, providing music at the local, regional, national and general levels for a variety of gatherings. She offers concerts, workshops and consulting services on worship design, music and leadership in local churches across the country.
In 2013, Andra’s book Brim: Creative Overflow in Worship Design was published with coauthor Rev. Dr. Suzanne Castle by Chalice Press. Brim received the Editor’s Choice Award in 2014 from Worship Leader Magazine. Currently, Andra serves at Woodmont Christian Church in Nashville as Creative Director at The Bridge, alongside her husband, musician Stephen Daniel King. See her website here.
Worship Planning and Music Workshop 2015