Lynn Scott, pastor of First Christian Church in McPherson, is gathering a group of people to bicycle to General Assembly in Columbus, Ohio this summer, raising money for Week of Compassion along the way. Intrigued? This project needs lots of people to be successful, and you can take part in several ways:
- Ride your bike—all the way, a 100-mile portion, or ???
- Drive your car as a support vehicle and emergency backup.
- Provide financial and physical support along the route: meals, housing, and showers. Maybe you know of a church with such facilities?
- If you ride cross-country, provide your knowledge of routes and logistics.
- Donate to Week of Compassion in support of the group’s efforts.
- Prayer! Lots of prayer!
To learn more, and to learn how your church could help, or to take part, contact Lynn Scott at First Christian Church in McPherson, 620-241-1390.