It seems every Regional staff person I talk with says they need more trained, gifted interim ministers. Our goal at Disciples Interims is to help you meet that need!
We’ve trained almost 100 ministers and our training course gets very high marks. We’re offering our next “Interim Ministry Basics” class this fall. Who from your Region needs this?
Here are the details we’re sharing with prospective students:
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Class: Interim Ministry Basics
When: Mondays, Oct. 9 – Nov. 20
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Central Time
Where: Online via Zoom
Cost: $500
Syllabus Link:
Application Link:
Application Deadline has been extended!
The class is limited to 25 students so there is an application process. Priority is given to those without training who are currently serving as an interim minister or in Search and Call for an interim position. Applications are forwarded to your Regional Staff for recommendation.
Applicants should know shortly after application if they will be a part of the class. Kansas has clergy scholarships available. Please check with your regional staff. Payment is not due until after the class roster is determined.
If you have any other questions about the class or about interim ministry, just let us know. We are here to help with your interim ministry journey!
Scott Woolridge
Convener for Disciples Interims
(309) 824-6178