Imagine a small fragile seedling becoming a food system that prevents famine. Imagine that it leads to medicine and disease prevention. Imagine a child who will become a visionary leader […]
Scholarships & Grants
2016 Application for Reconciliation Funds is now available
The 2016 Application for Reconciliation Funds is now available. Forms need to be emailed or postmarked on or before May 1, 2016. Download the 2016 Reconciliation Grant Form Here
Apply for Camp Scholarships!
Camp scholarships are available to children and youth who are active participants in a Kansas DOC congregation and who have financial need. Funds are often donated to the region, noted […]
Clergy Educational Grants
The window for Clergy Educational Grant applications is now open! Applications are being accepted for 2016 grants beginning September 1 through October 31st. Disciples Home Missions (DHM) seeks to support […]