Disciples Women are invited to attend one of three Spirt Fest opportunities this Spring. The Bible study will be based on “Micah for You”, written by Stephen Um. Copies of the book will be available for purchase at Spirit Fest. Amazon also has the Kindle version of the book available.
Rev. Angéle Saunders Johnson, Executive Director of Disciples Women will provide the keynote address. Her prior experience includes faith-based community organizing, executive pastoral leadership, and serving as Director of Christian Education for New Covenant Christian Church in Nashville, Tenn.
She will join us by recorded message at Belmont Blvd. CC, Salina, on April 2, and Emporia FCC on April 9 before joining us in person on April 30 at Riverside CC, Wichita.
As we have done in the past, our Blessing Box monies will be dedicated during our morning worship. Checks for Blessing Box offering should be made out to Christian Church in Kansas.
Registration for the event is $20 per person which includes all materials and lunch. If you prefer, you may register to join in the worship service via Zoom on April 9 for a cost of $8 per person. Registration is open online at www.kansasdisciples.org/events, through your ENGAGE account, and the regional Facebook Events page.