“Encountering God in Every Day”
Have you ever wondered, “Where is God?”
The 2016 regional Spirituality Retreat will be Thursday, March 17 through Saturday, March 19, at the Heartland Center for Spirituality, Great Bend. Laity and clergy will explore this question while discovering spiritual practices that facilitate encountering God in daily living.
Register online below or download a Spiritual Retreat Registration Form and mail with payment to the Topeka regional office.
NOTE: This charge will appear as some version of “SST*CHRISTIANCHUR840559 MOUNT VERNON OH” on your credit card statement.
Rev. Warren Lynn, retreat facilitator, is the Minister for Christian Vocations at Disciples Home Missions. Spiritual formation for religious leaders is a priority for him, and he is a Labyrinth Facilitator. Other interests include sea-kayaking, photography, and playing Native American flute. He and his wife Betsy have a son Philip, a Welsh Corgi, and a matriarchal cat.