We are excited to announce that Salina First Christian Church will host the April 20, 2024, Spirit Fest, and Wichita Hillside will host the May 4 event. The theme for Spirit Fest is “Held Together with the Thread of Christ.”
Our keynote speaker will be Kansas native and author Kim Vogel Sawyer. Although Kim dreamed of being a writer from her earliest memories— even recalls telling her kindergarten teacher that people would check out her book in libraries someday! — she chose to become an elementary school teacher. Kim loved the kids, but health challenges made it difficult to keep up the pace of full-time teaching.
Three workshops will be offered during the breakout sessions. One of the workshops will be presented by Rev. Tiffany DeTienne who works with Church World Service, and will be sharing information in her workshop about what CWS does and how we can be part of their mission.

During the workshop, women will have an opportunity to support the CWS Hygiene Pack project. The project aims to supply free access to essential period products so using unsanitary alternatives can be avoided.
Providing period kits can help vulnerable people facing period poverty, which recent studies show affects two in five people who menstruate.
Many people do not have access to the resources to allow them to have proper menstrual hygiene. Kits are provided to communities across the U.S., including families recovering from disasters, immigrants, and refugees.