KDW Women’s Retreat will be Oct. 5-7 (midweek) and Oct. 7-9 (weekend). We are planning a full schedule where we will join in fellowship, learning, and worshipping. Your 2022 Retreat Committee, chaired by Jeanette Hammond, North Heights CC, Wichita, is putting the final touches on the preparation.
The Keynote Speaker is the Rev. Christian Watkins, Executive Director and Campus Pastor at Ecumenical Campus Ministry, Kansas State University. Additionally, she teaches in the School of Education and Human Sciences at the University of Kansas. Her ministry passions include fostering alternative faith communities, spiritual mentorship, creative liturgies, interbelief solidarity and supplying abundant enthusiasm. A dedicated humanitarian, Christian has a passion for welcoming and affirming the experiences of immigrants and refugees. More information about Rev. Watkins is available on the registration form.
Using our theme scripture, 1 Peter 3:8-12, we will learn together how we can BEE church and make a difference by being a blessing to others in our lives and world. Register and pay online by Sept. 15 at or through your ENGAGE account.
Please join with the women of the region as we embrace our theme, “Let’s BEE Church and Make a Difference!”