By Rev. Tom Stanley, CCK Regional Minister and President

Ministry Colleagues:
Maintaining healthy boundaries is one of the most challenging aspects of ministry. However, ministers must maintain boundaries to stay mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy.
My original mentor told me that you cannot serve and tend to others if you do not care for yourself! Maintaining healthy boundaries is all about caring for and protecting ourselves as ministers so that we can care for those whom God has called us to care for.
The Kansas Regional Commission on the Order of Ministry requires all the region’s clergy to take Healthy Boundaries once every three years. The cost of this training is $25 to cover the costs of the books used in the class.
In 2024, the region will offer three ZOOM Boundaries Training events! The dates are May 11, July 27, and Aug. 31. The ZOOM sessions will begin at 9:30 a.m. and end at 3 p.m. Attending one of these ZOOM sessions will meet the requirements for boundaries training for the next three years.
Our theme for this year is “Healthy Boundaries Across the Life of Ministry”. I look forward to sharing the information with you and discussing healthy boundaries in your ministry setting.