By Pastor Greg Hamlin (Ret.)
Haysville First Christian Church
We are encouraged in the Bible to step out in faith and to trust God more and more along our journey. Maybe that means for some of us to get outside of our comfort zones and allow God to work with us anew.
In each case it seems to be uncomfortable, and yet if we want to experience healing and new life, we are called to respond to Him who stands on the water looking directly at you and saying, “Come”. “Trust Me in a new way”. “Trust Me like never before”. “I am trustworthy”. (Re: Matthew 14:22-34)
I believe Jesus wants us to discover just how trustworthy He really is and to discover the wealth of gifts and surprises He has in store for you. This wealth of blessings can only be discovered by being willing to step out onto the water with Him.
Believer, I encourage you to step out of the boat, all the while and without fail, keeping your eyes fixed on Jesus, focusing your trust in Jesus. Don’t turn away and don’t fall for Satan’s clever scare tactics. If you will do this, growth is inevitable. Jesus will honor your desire to be faithful and even help you to do it. I don’t care if you have been a Christian for two days or one hundred years, the call is the same to all, “Come”.
We all need to grow in our faith, so with each passing day, there will be precious little of our former selves evident. Our anger and pain will melt away. Our fears will be replaced by faith in Jesus and our lives will begin to blossom like a flower in the springtime.
When the disciples saw Him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, “It’s a ghost”! But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid, He said. Take courage, I am here!” Then Peter called to Him, “Lord if it’s really You, tell me to come to You,
walking on the water.” “Yes, come.” Jesus said.
We find “Do not be afraid” 365 times in the bible. Fear nothing and draw nearer and nearer to Him by keeping your eyes fixed on Jesus.