Youth: Come with us to NYC and Washington DC to learn how Christians can impact public policy!
Friday, March 11 – Saturday, March 19
The International Affairs Seminar is designed to help High School Juniors/Seniors who identify as “Christian” and participate in a congregation associated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), to experience what it means to live as a global citizen.
Come with us and…
- Meet people from other cultures, learn to appreciate their gifts and understand their concerns for peace and justice.
- Visit the United Nations in New York City, and witness its many influences in world affairs.
- Discover how Christians have involved themselves in influencing the course of history as together we consider issues of justice.
- Visit Washington, D.C. and share with elected officials your concerns. You will see the role they play in determining laws that affect our lives.
Fee: $1,500 … (possible $75- $150 surcharge depending on air fares at time of booking.) A $250 deposit due November 1. $100 monthly payments, OR, a fund-raising plan is fine! The low fee is possible due to a generous grant from Kansas Bible Chair. The total balance is due March 1.