The Kansas region has three grants available each year. The deadline for two of those grants – the Reconciliation Offering and the Spring Kansas Bible Chair Grants – is fast approaching, and the Kansas Leadership Training Grant slots fill quickly, so early application is recommended.
Applications and full grant deadlines for all
CCK grant opportunities, including descriptions,
can be found here.
Kansas Bible Chair Grant
Established by the Kansas Women’s Board of Missions, the Kansas Bible Chair provides grants for educational programs and lectureships that will benefit both laity and clergy of Disciple congregations in Kansas.
The spring deadline to submit grant applications is March 31. To help avoid confusion, use a separate form for each request, rather than combining related but individual items.
Reconciliation Grant
Funds from the Reconciliation Special Day Offering in the fall provide grants for pro-reconciliation/anti-racism programs. The Reconciliation offering is divided, with one half staying in our region and one half used by General Reconciliation Ministry. The deadline to submit grant applications is March 31.
KLC Tuition Grants
Our region has a marvelous opportunity for the fifth consecutive year to participate in the leadership training programs offered by the Kansas Leadership Center (KLC). This training is intended to help you lead your congregation more effectively and more powerfully, to change lives and turn systems in healthy directions.
The KLC Partnership Grant covers tuition, and a Kansas Bible Chair Grant covers books, housing, and meals. Participants pay only a $25 commitment fee. After your application has been processed, follow the emailed instructions from David Dubovich, Acting Associate Regional Minister, to register with Kansas Leadership Center and arrange for securing books from regional staff.